Do you want to pursue higher education abroad? Maybe you are looking for a prestigious MBA degree or seeking an advanced research opportunity. Whatever your educational aspirations arestudying in the UK offers countless benefits to shape your academic journey and future career. From top-ranked universities to enticing post-study work options, here are 10 reasons why the UK should be at the top of your study abroad list.

1: High-ranked universities

As per QS World University Rankings 2024, 17 of the 100 top-ranked universities are in the UK. The UK is home to highly regarded institutions such as the University of Oxford, University of Cambridge, Imperial College London, University College London, London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE), University of Edinburgh, University of Manchester, and Kings College London among others. These universities impart world-class education and have produced several world leaders, business magnets, noble-laureates and literary geniuses.

2: Best student cities

As per QS Best Student Cities in the World for Studying Abroad Cities 2024, 15 of the 100 top-ranked city for students are in the UK. Cities like London, Edinburgh, Birmingham, Manchester, and Glasgow are not just academic hubs but also vibrant economic and cultural centers. In the UK you will get the perfect blend of academic learning, career opportunities, and diverse cultural experiences to enrich your student life in every way.

3: Research opportunities

5% of the world’s scientific research is held in the UK. The top 24 research-intensive UK universities have come together to form an association called Russell Group Universities which receive over three-quarters of all university research grant in the UK. The impact of research and commercialisation activities from the Russell Group Universities equated to £37.6 billion in 2021-22. Prestigious institutions, like Oxford and Cambridge, have a long history of innovation and research which have contributed to immensely to the society we live in.

4: Easy entry criteria

UK universities prioritize a holistic approach to admissions. They consider not just the academic scores of students but also extracurricular activities, personal statements, and recommendation letters. You have opportunities to study at very high-ranked universities with even lower academic scores through pathway programs, like Foundation Year, Diploma Leading to Degree, and Pre-Master. For most courses, in both UG and PG, no admission test or scores from competitive exams are required. In most courses GRE/GMAT scores too are not required.

5: IELTS waiver is possible

Almost all UK universities accept IELTS, TOEFL or PTE scores as proof of English proficiency. Admissions too are possible without IELTS scores, based on Class 12 English score or Medium of Instruction. It is to be noted that IELTS score need not be submitted during Visa if the university has accepted/waived your IELTS score.

6: Save time and money

The UK’s shorter course durations, such as a one-year master’s program, help save both tuition fees and living costs. So, you can pursue world-class courses while maintaining affordability. Even, in two years master’s programs you have to pay tuition fee for the first year and a small administrative fee in second year, as the second years are generally placement year, where you get fulltime work rights for an entire year. Thus, when your friends are studying second year elsewhere in the world; you will be earning if you study in the UK.

7: Internship integrated programs

Many UK universities work in partnership with industries to offer internship-integrated programs to aspirant students. You will gain hands-on experience and industry insights through these internship programs. Bachelor’s and Master’s courses with one-year internships/work placements are also available. Internship integrated program in bachelors is often termed as sandwich course, in which the second last year becomes an internship/work year. This allows students to gain real world experience even before graduating, thus improving employability.

8: Scholarships and bursaries

UK universities and organizations offer a plethora of scholarships, grants, and bursaries for students. Organizations like the British Council and the Commonwealth Scholarship Commission provide you with financial support and make studying in the UK more accessible. Studies In Overseas offers SIO Scholarship of Rs. 20,000 to all students wanting to pursue education in the UK on their student visa grant. Click SIO Scholarship to apply.

9: Work rights

Access to part-time work is available during your studies and you can work full time during vacations. It helps you to gain valuable work experience. You can earn extra and develop essential skills while pursuing your degree. As on 1st April 2024 the minimum wage in the UK is GBP 7.49/hour if your age is 18-20 years, or GBP 10.18/hour if your age is 21-22 years, or GBP 10.42/hour if your age is 23+ years.

10: Post-study work visa

Upon completing your studies, you may be eligible for a post-study work visa for two years. This visa pathway enhances your post-study prospects and gives you time to explore career opportunities to gain invaluable work experience in the UK.

Amid your study abroad journey, partnering with the best consultant for abroad education and tapping into UK scholarships can make a significant difference. Studies in Overseas provides comprehensive support to guide you through the application process, scholarship opportunities, financial assistance, visa application, and more; for free. With our expertise and assistance, your entire study abroad experience will be smooth and successful. Service lies at the heart of Studies In Overseas. We a not just a company, but your companion.

Studying in the UK through Studies in Overseas opens doors to unparalleled academic excellence, cultural immersion, career opportunities, and a globally recognized degree. Whether you are pursuing an MBA, doing research, or exploring new horizons, the UK offers a vibrant educational journey that can shape your future endeavors. And for the best international courses and complete educational support, our team is here to hand-hold you and make you succeed.