Top 5 countries to Study Abroad

Have you ever dreamt of adding an international degree to your portfolio or looking for Top Study Destinations? Or are you dreaming of pursuing an international degree from top universities in the USA, UK, Canada, Australia, or Italy? You’ve come to the perfect place to get all the information you need about international education and study abroad destinations. We at Studies in Overseas are here to provide you with full guidance and scholarship opportunities in the field of international education.

As we wave goodbye to the pandemic, 2024 is shaping up to be an exciting year for international education! More international students than ever are eager to pack their bags and dive into new cultural experiences. The benefits of studying abroad are numerous, from learning a new language to making friends from all over the world. Let us help you navigate this journey and find the perfect study destination for your academic and personal growth!

Why should you go abroad to study? Well, aside from the great academic facilities and top professors that prestigious world-class universities overseas come with, they have cool and unusual programs that are impossible to find elsewhere. It’s like jumping to a new level in your academic game!

Top 5 Study Destinations for 2024

Let’s take a quick tour of the top destinations for international students in 2024.

  1. United States: If you have always dreamt of studying abroad under the bright lights of Hollywood or discovering groundbreaking scientific breakthroughs, then the United States should be at the top priority of your list. With its world-renowned universities and diverse culture, this country offers endless opportunities for growth and learning. Just make sure to bring your appetite for hotdogs and burgers because American food is a whole other level of deliciousness!
  2. United Kingdom: From its old charm to its top-quality research, the UK has it all. Imagine walking through ancient University campuses, feeling the weight of history on your shoulders as you study Shakespearean literature or the mysteries of artificial intelligence. Plus, who can resist the temptation of a perfect tea time? It’s the perfect place to immerse yourself in both tradition and progress.
  3. Australia: Who said studying couldn’t be fun? In Australia, you can soak up the sun, catch some epic waves, and expand your mind all at the same time. With its laid-back lifestyle and top universities, this country is a paradise for those seeking adventure and education. Oh, and did I mention the adorable koalas and kangaroos? It’s like studying in a wildlife sanctuary!
  4. Canada: Eh, have you ever considered studying in Canada? Well, you should! Not only is it one of the friendliest countries on the planet, but it also boasts some of the finest educational institutions with pocket-friendly tuition fees. From cosmopolitan cities like Toronto and Vancouver to the Banff National Park, Canada offers the perfect balance between academic excellence and natural landscape beauty. And let’s not forget about the maple syrup – it’s basically liquid gold!
  5. Italy: Italy is a dream study abroad destination for international students passionate about art, history, and culture. Home to prestigious universities like the University of Bologna, which dates back to 1088, and Sapienza University of Rome, Italy offers rich academic goals alongside stunning architecture, world-renowned cuisine, and vibrant cities. And did you know, you can study for free in Italy, with stipend for living and fooding, both in bachelor and master courses in Italian public universities.

Cost of Living for Study Abroad:

When considering studying abroad, one of the crucial factors to take into account is the cost of living in the popular destination country. For example, in Italy, the cost of living is around 7080 EUR per year, which includes accommodation, food, transportation, and other daily expenses. In the UK, the cost of living is approximately 12,006 GBP per year, if living inside London, and 9207 GBP if living outside London. In Australia, it is around 29,710 AUD per year, while in Canada you have to lock 20,635 CAD as GIC in a Canadian bank for one year living expenses. International students need to budget and plan accordingly to ensure they have enough funds to cover their living expenses while pursuing their education abroad. In addition to the cost of tuition fees, students must also consider the cost of living when planning to study abroad. The cost of living varies greatly from country to country, so it is important to have a clear understanding of the expenses involved.

The US: Still the Cool Kid in School

The United States has been a popular study destination forever, and it’s easy to see why. The American universities are top quality with the best facilities, and your professors may very well be Nobel laureates. As per QS World University Rankings 2025, 25 of US universities rank in the top 100 global universities rankings. Also, the US offers relatively good opportunities for international students to stay after graduation through programs such as Optional Practical Training (OPT). The stay back period of OPT is 3 yrs for STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) students, and 1 yr for non STEM students. So, if you dream of working in Silicon Valley or on Wall Street, studying in the US may be your golden ticket.

The UK: Where Tradition Meets Trendsetting

There’s just a little something about the UK that is like a super combo of classic and cool. No matter whether you like history or modern tech, you’re going to like these. Very old universities are said to be among the best on the planet, with campuses that seem to have jumped out from a movie scene. Universities like the University of Oxford are more than a century old. With 15 universities ranking in the top 100 global universities ranking, as per QS World University Rankings 2025, the UK has the highest number of top ranked universities, and it is way easier to get offers from these universities. Most universities do not require GRE or GMAT, and you may even get IELTS waive if you have a good score in Class 12 English. Besides, when one isn’t studying, there is so much to explore: castles, countryside, and vibrant cities. Plus, where else can you have fish and chips by the seaside and then catch a play at Shakespeare’s Globe?

Canada: Where High-Quality Education and Maple Syrup Flow

Some students need to budget for the best universities in the world and host friendly people who will make you start saying ‘sorry’ even when it’s not your fault. Since there are options for 2 yrs UG Diploma, 3 yrs Advanced UG Diploma, 4 yrs Bachelors, 1 to 2 yrs PG Diploma and 1 to 2 yrs Masters, you can choose a study course which fits your budget and available time. Canada also offers a Post Study Work visa of 1 to 3 years depending on the length of your course and its level. It is among the very few countries which allows you to take your spouse if you are studying for a Masters. Again, Canada has a host of natural beauty, from the Rockies to the Northern Lights. The cities? They are safe, clean, and packed with activities. And what’s more, Canada also offers paths to permanent residency, so you can stay and enjoy all the snow your heart desires while studying from Canadian Universities

Australia: Study Hard, Surf Harder

Not only are there kangaroos and the Outback, but Australia also has some of the country’s best Australian universities, offering a very wide array of programs. With 9 out of its 43 universities featuring in the top 100 global universities ranking, as per QS World University Rankings 2025, it is one of the countries offering very high quality education to international students. Since export of education contributes highly to the Australian economy, the government and the private sector invests a lot to make the Australian education system the best of the best. Education is imparted interactively and innovatively; learning happens to be fun. Outside of class, you may check out some great sights in vibrant cities like Sydney and Melbourne or just chill on some coolest beaches on this planet. Australian universities are known for their high academic standards and innovative teaching methods, offering a wide range of programs that cater to every interest. But studying in Australia is about more than just hitting the books. The country’s relaxed vibe and beautiful landscapes make it a fantastic place to live and study. Imagine spending your weekends surfing at Bondi Beach or exploring the Great Barrier Reef. Australia’s unique wildlife, including kangaroos and koalas, adds to the charm.

Italy: A Blend of Art, History, and Culinary Delights

If you’re passionate about art, history, and world-renowned cuisine, Italy should be at the top of your list for studying abroad. Known for its rich cultural heritage and stunning architecture, Italy offers a unique academic experience that goes beyond the classroom. Imagine studying art history while surrounded by masterpieces from the Renaissance, or learning about ancient Roman civilization right where it all happened.

Italy is home to some of the world’s oldest and most prestigious public universities. These institutions offer a wide range of programs, from humanities and social sciences to business and fashion. The universities offer courses taught in English and give 100% scholarships to meritorious students with financial need. Students may also get a stipend of up to 7080 Euros per year while studying in Italy. This scholarship is available in tens of thousands making quality education within the reach of the economically disadvantaged international student community. The country’s strong emphasis on creativity and innovation makes it an excellent destination for students interested in design, architecture, and the arts.

Plus, studying in Italy gives you the perfect opportunity to learn or improve your Italian language skills, a valuable asset in many professional fields. And with its central location in Europe, Italy makes it easy to travel and explore neighboring countries, with your Schengen visa, adding even more to your international experience.

Conclusion: Picking Your Perfect Study Spot

Choosing where to study abroad is a big decision, so take your time to weigh all the factors. Think about what you want to study, how much you can afford to spend, and what kind of lifestyle suits you best. Do you like mountains with snow or beaches with sun? A big city vibe or a countryside charm? Well, do your research, and don’t be afraid to ask any questions. Check university rankings; look through international students‘ reviews and, heck, maybe even get in contact with current students. If these seem to be Herculean tasks, then consult your friendly study abroad consultancy, Studies In Overseas, and get free online counseling. There is a perfect study abroad destination out there; find it, or rather, start planning your adventure because it’s going to be epic!